Kill the Unicorns - An Enchanted Card Game For Evil Geniuses
Created by Morning | Kill the Unicorns
Kill the Unicorns is a blind bidding and collection card game. You play as one of the Queendom's unique characters - catch as many unicorns as you can, ideally without accidentally capturing a smelly unicorn or a Pigicorn!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Imports ETAs and important information about the Pick-up Points!
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Jun 05, 2019 at 02:25:18 AM
Hello everyone,
All the products have now been picked-up from the factories and we are moving forward to the next steps about your pledges deliveries!
You will then find below the confirmed ETA to all the destinations and some important information about the Pick-up Points.
Imports ETA
Here are a confirmation of the different ETAs of the games, expansions and Pigicorn plushes on their way to the fulfillment warehouses:
North America: we finally got an early pick-up of the products at the factories which made us able to book a boat that was loaded and left China on May 27th. ETA to Los Angeles port for this boat is June 10th, meaning 14 days before the import taxes will be raised from 0% to 25%! If everything goes well all the way long to the warehouse, we may be closer than mid-July than late-July for final deliveries! This will be confirmed to you in the next updates.
Europe: We have been told that the traffic is currently very intense to Europe and the earliest boat we could book was for a departure on June 11th. Thus, products have been picked-up only today to avoid storage fees at the port and will be arriving at Le Havre in France on July 17th. We will work hard to save time both with the warehouse delivery and inventory + order preparation process. So at this point, ETA for final deliveries to the backers is maintained for late July.
Australia: Our local partner is managing the import using his own partner and informed us yesterday that expected time to have all the products will be on July 5th. Thus, the pledges will be delivered to backers in both Australia and New-Zealand few days after this date.
Asia: The fulfillment warehouse now received the games and will be starting the inventory process. In this meantime, we are looking more in details about the final backers list and the associated prices we got from the fulfillment company + contacted the backers who chose Pick-up Points in these regions. Because these operations from there are the very first ones, we want to makes sure everything will be ran perfectly and next step will be backers receiving their individual tracking numbers!
Pick-up Points being confirmed
Remember how it works: We have 489 backers in total who are concerned by Pick-up Points. In the case we finally cannot confirm any Pick-up Points near to a backer location, we will then keep the shipping fees that have been charged in the past and deliver your personal address you gave us on BackerKit. All the other backers who will confirm an address of a Pick-up Point will have to go to the chosen location to get their pledges and will then be refunded of these paid shipping fees.
So, we sent a form to all the possible Pick-up Points we had listed on the Kickstarter campaign and on the online map we shared on the Kickstarter campaign page to make sure they still accept to be a Pick-up Point and to confirm the details if they do.
We had about 50 confirmed answers all over the world and the ones who are still pending have been recontacted today.
Before you will be asked to choose one of the possible location instead of your own address, you can have a look at this shared list of confirmed or not Pick-up Points by following the link below. This list also includes all the pending possible Pick-up Points to whom we already sent the form.
Link :
Please notice this list is only for consultation to give you an idea of the current work about Pick-up Points. You will have to make your final choice in an other form that will be sent few weeks before the deliveries!
In case you have chosen this Pick-up Point option but can’t find any address near to you, you can submit a possible Pick-up Point by using the form below. Thus, we will be contacting them to open a new Pick-up Point location if that is possible:
Please feel free to comment this update if there is any question, or email us at [email protected] for any personal request regarding your shipping address, your pledge or anything else.
Thanks to you all!
End of the production and updated ETAs!
over 5 years ago
– Sat, May 18, 2019 at 03:06:06 AM
Hello everyone,
Like we were sharing with you last week, the games, expansions and plushes will all be ready for pick-up on May 23rd.
Let’s first start here with some new pictures to show you what the games and expansions look like:
Updated ETAs
This week we arranged the pick-up of the games and expansions from Panda Games and of the Pigicorn plushes from WinGo Manufacturing. Both are located near Shenzhen and the goods from these 2 factories have to be gathered before being loaded on the boats.
Thus, here is what we got for each shipping zones:
North America
We asked Panda Games to pick-up these games first because we want to avoid the boat to arrive in the US after June 24th. Indeed, customs taxes may raise up to 25%* (instead of 0% before June 24th) after this date.
* In any case, NO extra fees will be asked to the backers if this happens.
We are still waiting for a confirmation for a pick-up on May 20th instead of May 23rd on these quantities that would make us able to have a boat departure on May 25th.
In this case, ETA to Los Angeles port would be June 18th. Otherwise, games will be loaded on the next boat we can get that leaves on June 5th for ETA at the port on June 27th.
As soon as we have the confirmation about this, we will let you know and thus the following timeline will apply:
Between 5 and 10 business days to clear the customs and go to Indiana where our partner's warehouse is located;
Maximum 7 business days at the warehouse for inventory and ordering shipping boxes;
6 business days to prepare and ship orders as they can make 500 orders per day and we have about 3000 in the US;
2 to 4 business days for final deliveries.
Possible ETAs are around July 19th if we can get the first boat and July 29th if we don’t.
This also means that some orders sent on Day 1 or 2 will be delivered before the last ones are shipped on Day 5 and 6.
An exception in made for Canada because Snakes & Lattes is going to handle the fulfillment there. They will pick-up their quantities from the Indiana warehouse during the inventory. ETA for Canada should be very similar.
We have a confirmed pick-up on May 23rd for these quantities both at Panda factory and WinGo factory.
The goods will be loaded on boats leaving either on June 1st or June 3rd for 33 days of transit. Arrival in France (Le Havre) on July 4th or July 7th and then go to our partner's warehouse near Paris in 3 to 4 business days including customs clearance.
We have the same agreed timeline there:
Maximum 7 business days at the warehouse for inventory and ordering shipping boxes ;
6 business days to prepare and ship orders as they can make 500 orders per day and we also have about 3000 in Europe;
2 to 4 business days for final deliveries.
So, we have a ETA around July 30th.
Our local Australian partner VR Distribution is going to manage everything from the pick-up to the final deliveries in this zone (Australia + New Zealand).
We do not have a detailed timeline yet like we wrote above, but they told us backers will be delivered within the next 55 net days after the pick-up.
So for a pick-up on May 23rd, ETA is before July 18th
Quantities to Asia will be picked-up directly at the factory and be sent few kilometer away as our partner's warehouse is also in Shenzhen.
We always have the same terms than Europe and USA with minor change on final deliveries:
Maximum 7 business days at the warehouse for inventory and ordering shipping boxes;
1 to 3 business days to prepare and ship orders as we will ship 530 orders from there to Asia and “Rest of World”;
2 to 10 business days for final deliveries.
ETA is before June 20th.
Next update will confirm about these boats departure and go further in the Pick-up Points process!
Also backers with custom illustration in their pledges have received an email from Kill the Unicorns illustrator Levi Prewitt this week to move forward with this reward delivery!
As always, we are staying at your disposal by email at [email protected] or Kickstarter private message if needed.
We wish you all a great weekend!
Final production update and important information about Pick-up Points!
over 5 years ago
– Sat, May 11, 2019 at 12:54:02 AM
Hello everyone,
We just discussed with our project manager JF at Panda today after he got an update from the factory in China.
They have been faced to an issue on the Kill the Unicorns games about the plastic wedge that was supposed to hold the Player Mats in the bottom of the box.
Here is an explanation of what happened:
The Pre-Press Copy (PPC) is the very first sample we received when production started and we confirmed at this time about using a plastic wedge.
A final sample before mass production has been sent from the factory to both Morning team and Panda project manager and received on our side the 26th of April.
Morning team sent its feedback on April 27th to mention that the plastic tray for the Player Mats did not meet our expectations as it made the box nearly impossible to close when using 6 mats.
These issues have been resolved on April 30th by increasing the box size of 2mm and with a new idea using a carton piece for the bottom tray instead of plastic as you can see in the picture below.
The factory has been closed between May 1st and May 4th for Chinese Labor Holiday and Panda factory has been finalized the solution and assembly plan from May 5th until today.
Panda just informed us today that games will finally be assembled and ready to ship on May 23rd at the very latest.
This is obviously changing our plans for shipping and freight forwarders have been informed to pick-up the goods at the factories (including WinGo factory for the Pigicorn plushes) in the next couple of weeks instead of this week.
Even if this really is a shame to get extra delays here, we have to say that the new solution for the wedge looks definitely better for the gamer experience. We also agree with our Panda project manager that everything was on time before the very bad timing of the Chinese Labor Holiday this year. The extended duration of this holiday (which was changed in March) was not accounted for during our initial planning. The timing accentuated the delay caused by this last issue encountered at the end of production.
We planned some time margin on the shipping so it may not delay the final shipping of the same 2 weeks. That said, we will now work on giving you and updated timeline for final shipping in the next update!
Important information about Pick-Up points
We had the confirmation from our worldwide logistics partner that pick-up point choice for the backers who took this option in the BackerKit survey has to be sent minimum 10 days before it is actually shipped.
This is a great news at it will make us able to reconfirm details for every single pick-up point and make sure this service will be perfect.
Next step about this is to reach BackerKit team to make sure every backer who chose a Pick-up points delivery will be able to confirm smoothly the one he wants to be delivered to.
These backers will then be contacted by email in the next couple of weeks instead of having to make a choice between May 10th and May 17th like said in the previous update. These backers will get soon a list of the current Pick-up points + those we added in the meantime since the campaign ended!
As usual, we stay at your disposal by private message or at [email protected] to confirm details.
Thanks for reading and talk to you soon!
Addresses locked and end of production!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 01:08:23 AM
Hello everyone,
Production will be finished in about 2 weeks and we are now actively preparing imports and shippings bringing your Kill the Unicorns pledges into your hands!
Here is a new picture we received from the factory:
According to the factories, the games and Pigicorn plushes will be ready to be picked-up at on May 6th and shipped to the port where it will leave for the different destinations (Australia, North America, Europe).
Some quantities will be delivered to our logistic partner warehouse in China to handle all the shippings to Asia directly from there.
We will give you in a next update the details of boats departure and ETAs for each zones.
Locked Addresses!
As we had to split the total quantities into these different zones, we now locked the address of the 7583 backers who completed their BackerKit survey. You should all have received an email to confirm your shipping address last week.
We still have about 250 backers who either didn’t fill out their address in BackerKit or pay for their shipping and add-ons fees. These backers have been emailed multiple of times and contacted directly on Kickstarter without any answer yet.
Without any word back from these people before May 1st at the very latest, these orders will be delayed and extra shipping fees will occur!
> If you still have any doubts by reading this update or if you do not find your BackerKit link anymore, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and give us some details to be identified (pledge number, email address used on Kickstarter, full name, etc.).
Pick-up points deliveries
One of the next step about shipping will be for backers who chose to be delivered in a Pick-up point.
You should receive a list of confirmed pick-up points before May 10th and will have to confirm one of them before May 17th. As soon as the game will be delivered there, we will refund your shipping fee paid on BackerKit.
If you changed your mind in the meantime or if there is no pick-up point from where you could get your pledge, then we will use the current address we have for your from your BackerKit survey and keep the shipping fees.
Things are moving and we are very excited to deliver you the games soon!
Thanks again and again for your support on this project, you have been amazing! We love you guys.
Production in progress & Last Call for missing backers addresses!
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 03:00:14 AM
Hello everyone,
Here is a quick update to re-confirm that Panda is targeting an end of production for May 6th, we then will start the entire import & shipping process.
We won’t have picture of the printed components before the next few weeks, however we just received some for the mat and miniatures mass production that you will find below.
We are still working hard to gather the missing shipping addresses from backers and charge the remaining credit cards for shipping.
Reminder:For any shipping address and shipping / add-ons charge we cannot collect before March 31st, the corresponding backer will receive the order with a substantial delay.
Indeed, all the backers addresses will be locked on March 31st and then will start the work with matching confirmed pick-up points address for those who chose this option.
Next time we will share with you the printed component pictures we expect to get sometime these next weeks and give you more precise date of the boats leave if we can get these information in the meantime.
Please wonder yourselves about completing your BackerKit survey and feel free to email us at [email protected] within the next 10 calendar days if you have any doubt.
Thanks again so much for your support and talk to you soon!